Prize Winning

PCB Dial Mod for Mechanical Watch

Some time ago when I looked for design inspiration for the binary wrist watch I did a lot of research and delved deep into the parts of internet home to watch enthusiasts. I came out mostly unharmed, but have now become fairly interested in watches as a hobby. In this project I will show you how I dissasembled an automatic mechanical watch and made a few daring modifications including a completely new dial.

DIY Binary Wrist Watch

I've always been fascinated by both interesting ways of telling the time and binary code. It's amazing the amount of information can be stored in simple ON/OFF signals. I knew I wanted a new wrist watch so why not combine binary code with a wrist watch, and do it as an awesome DIY project? This is the kind of idea that lodged itself in the back of my mind. Always present and constantly evolving until it reached a saturation point where the project had to be done!

Update on the Ultimate Electronics Helper

I have a huge update on what after publishing the Ultimate Electronics Helper. Apparently more people liked the projects as well as I've been featured on Hackaday! This is one of those websites that has been a staple of my internet diet since I first started going online. Thus I couldn't help but feel a tinge of pride when Hackaday wrote an article about my project! You should check out what they wrote by clicking here.

Ultimate Electronics Helper || Variable Bench Top PSU With Helping Hands

I have finally completed a long awaited project! This is something that's been churning around in my head for quite some time - close to a year. I started ordering parts for last years Christmas. After receiving these I've gone through several design iterations on both the 3D printed casing and the electronics and circuitry. I have to admit I'm quite pleased with the results! Introduction at instructables When working with electronics two tools are pretty much always needed.

DIY Bluetooth Adapter for any Headphones

I recently bought a new headset that I'm mostly satisfied with. Except I would really like the convenience of streaming music wirelessly! Instead of buying a more expensive headset, I cut the cord, and went to work to create a bluetooth headset adapter. That's what I'm showing you today. At first I looked at all the parts needed to make an adapter from scratch. But realized I could get most of the circuitry needed in a much smaller package, by modifying a cheap pair of bluetooth earbuds.

No Pump Automatic Watering

So I've been thinking a lot about automation with my kitchen plants. I don't like having to remember if they need water all the time. While this burden has been reduced with my Electric Soil Finger I would still prefer if everything took care of itself. Enter automatic watering! There's already a lot of different solutions for automatic plant watering, but I all found them lacking in one aspec: You need to use a pump with special diameter tubing.

DIY Electric Soil Finger

I've just made a small device I can use to get readouts on when to water plants. This works by measuring the conductivity of plant soil. The conductivity changes according to how wet the soil is. This information is read and mapped as servo positions to indicate on a gauge when it's time to water. Intro at instructables: Today I'm going to show you how to make your own electric soil finger!

I Won Another Prize

I just received another prize a won! Because I recently wrote about how I won a prize from Instructables I feel like I'm on lucky strike here! I won a completely new Arduino the MKR1000. Arduino have partnered with Atmel, Adafruit, and Microsoft and they are hosting the Worlds LargestArduino Maker Challenge. Here I entered by pitching my idea for what I would like to make with the new Arduino board.

I Won a Prize

I won a prize from Instructables! Now, a while ago I wrote about how I made my own DIY Grow Light. Along with that blog post was the link to a instructable entry I had made. This contained all the details on how the light was made and how other people can make their own. I entered this instructable in a contest they were running at the time, the theme of the contest was Indoor Gardening.

DIY Plant Grow Light

I've made a new instructable which can be found here. The instructable covers how to make a grow light for indoor plants. I made the light because I planted some tomatoes a few months ago, and at this time of the year there's only about three-four hours of sun in Norway. It was a lot of soldering, but what I liked the most about the project was the 3D modeling of the light holder which sits on top of the green house.